Welcome to my blog. Here you will find all things Twilight - fics, blogs, pics of the pretty and art that I've made. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seriously...Just for laughs.

So today I was looking around the internet for vulgar smiliey's to use in my messenger and other various programs...you know, mostly ones giving the finger, or cursing - 'cause apparently I have way too much time on my hands and I think that would be pretty funny. And beware those of you I have on messenger, I found a few!

And somehow, some way, I came across something so ridiculous it made me laugh, and had to find more stupid shit that made me laugh.

Now, I am no politician (thank the good Lord above) and I can't confirm that these are actually true, still in practice, or just some crazy people with nothing better to do than make shit up, but I still had to laugh and share.

Believe me...no state is exempt, but I obviously can't / won't list them all, but you get the drift.

New Mexico: Females are strictly forbidden to appear unshaven in public.

Illinois: It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, or any other domesticated animals. *snickers*

dog Pictures, Images and Photos

Florida: Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner.

Michigan: Alligators may not be tied to fire hydrants.

Texas: It is illegal to milk another persons cow.

Ohio: It is illegal to display colored chickens for sale.

M'kay, you can imagine the fuckery I have seen while researching this...literally, my eyes are tearing from laughter at some of the stupid shit I read. I mean can you imagine being the douche of a politician that actually tries to get one of these passed? *shakes head*

Its all in good fun, I am sure most of them are stupid wastes of my time, but fuck, I got a good laugh and hope you did too.

Night, my friends. I am capping the bottle and getting some damn sleep (after I do some more shit *winks*).

Love you all for reading my crazy shit, even if you don't, it keeps me sane ;)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Love & Hate

So today I decided to have a little change of pace.

Instead of bitching, cause honestly, that shits giving me an ulcer, I am just having a random moment. IKR? A great change!

So today I had to work, well, I don't really have a full time job, just do some shit cleaning for extra money. So while I was sweating over a dirty floor, scrubbing the shit out of it, this song came on my ipod..."Melody" by Kate Earl.

So when I got my ipod a year ago, I loaded some of the music I had, the Twilight Soundtrack, of course, and some other shit. Anyway, when I was browsing around itunes, I found the free download list and was stoked! I mean, really...who isn't in love with free shit? And the fact is, I really suck when it comes to music....literally. I am what you would call musically challenged.

So, that is how I found out about this song. So today I was cleaning, as I said earlier, scrubbing someone's bathroom floor, irritated as fuck, this song came on. And I immediately perked up, 'cause the vibe is so catchy.

And I started to get in such a good mood, amidst the smelly bathroom. This led to the natural progession of those things I love. I have been so fucking clouded in shit, and feeling really crummy that I totes ran with this good feeling, thus....this blog was born.


My Babies

wine and glass Pictures, Images and Photos


You serioiusly didn't think I would leave this shit off, right? LMFAO!!

Back stab. Pictures, Images and Photos

peas Pictures, Images and Photos

I mean...really? There is so much wrong here,
I want to poke my fucking eyes out.

bluetooth front Pictures, Images and Photos

I really, really fucking hate the new

hands-free law...and my blue-tooth is broken :(

So, thats it. There is a little glimpse into me and what makes me happy and what makes me puke, literally.

Oh...and if this doesnt make you fucking laugh, you are a lost fucking cause.

Later Gaters!

Hugs 'n' Rubs!


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Need a Mind-Break

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

The perfect fucking thing to bring a smile to my face and warm fuzzy tingly shit in my....


**fucking perverts...I know what you were thinking**

is ROB.

So I spent some time on one of my favorite things....my enormous collection of pictures of Rob. I needed a pick me up, and this was it! So if you dont want to see it....buh bye...later....get the fuck out....don't let the door hit you on the way out.

**Cues elevator muzak**





**muzak stops**

M'Kay....ya'll know I am Team Rob/Edward and if you don't ...where the fuck have you been?

I just want to share a few of my fave's, but I have oh, so many.

Okay, thats it. I was going to comment on each one, but you know what? That's just annoying. It's like talking through a fucking movie...you just DON'T DO IT. EVER. 'Cause when I went to see NM, with two of the most supportive friends out there that aren't even Twi fans, yet stayed in line for HOURS....anyway...there was this chick next to me that yapped her fat fucking mouth the whole fucking time. I wanted to slap the fuck out of her!

YOU. JUST. DON'T. DO. THAT. I am still fucking bitter. I mean Srsly...how the fuck long have I waited for that? For-fucking-ever, thats how long. And who the fuck does she think she is? Ruining it...Wow, I really am bitter! LOL!.


Anyway...just a little peek into delicious goodness.

Hugs 'n' Rubs


PS....LMFAO at this....I know its fucking random...but HELLO *knocks you on the head* "Hello McFly," did you read the fucking blog title....RANDOM ACTS OF LINDZ...watch especially at 2.30....hilarious. I don't give a second of shit about the Conan and Jay debacle, sorry, just dont, but this was fucking hilarious. Robin Williams was FUNNY.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.

First of all, let me get the introductions done...I am Lindz, obviously. I am a mom of three kids...boys no less all 6 and under, so you can imagine the shit that goes on in my daily life, but thats all for another day.

mom pulling out hair Pictures, Images and Photos
*So not me....She's pretty even pulling out her damn hair!

I am married and have been for a few years, yeah, my babies' daddy and all. I have a lot of interests, mostly on the creative end. I enjoy learning new shit and am mostly self taught. I have a bachelors in English Lit but have NEVER used the $20,000 piece of paper that took me too many years to get.

I spend way too many hours on the computer writing, reading, chatting and now fucking blogging. I seriously can't believe the number of social networks that are out there, and that I am a part of. Srsly...If I cant find you on FB, then its Twitter, then messenger, then good ol' MS, but if I want to, I can find anyone.

Crazy. Stalker.

stalking Pictures, Images and Photos

I have met a ton of really cool people and some have come to mean a lot to me, yeah, online and no, they are not middle aged old men getting off. And if they are, well, they are fun to talk to and they make me laugh, so whatever.

crazy old man Pictures, Images and Photos

My point is, I sometimes can be fucking hilarious, bitchy, and most often opinionated. I hope you come around and check shit out, and hope to make you laugh at least once in a while.

Later Gaters...

PS...I love all things Twilight, mostly Edward Cullen, Mr. Pattinson himself, so I am bound to bring that up quite regularly...if you have a problem with that, dont bother staying and I really don't give a fuck what you have to say!

Hugs 'n' Rubs
